Custom Routed MDF Wood Track Slot cars 1/32. I have been a bit disconnected with the hobby for a while now, and decided to sell my home routed track, taken down some time ago. It is a 2 lane MDF routed wood track with copper tape for conductive power.
(a little more about that below). The main curve (larger curve on one end side) is beautifully shaped with a slight bank. The track resembles a simplified Susuka track, figure 8 style with overpass/ bridge.
The "S" curve turns into a progressive chicane, leading into a aprox. 4 foot narrow rising straight that ends into a vari-radious (crescent) turn, driving down into the main straight, over the bridge, flowing down to the slightly banked main curve, and repeat, repeat.. This track is great for the solo home racer, compact, fits in a regular bedroom or small space... 11 feet long, the wider side is 4 feet wide, the left/ narrower turn side is aprox 3 feet wide. The lane spacing is 3.5 inches on the regular part, and goes down to about 1 inch at the chicane area.
(I was able to run some 1/24 scale cars on the outer lane) there is a slight banking (only a few degrees) on the big turn which makes for a beautiful slide of the cars coming down from the bridge. It was a lot of fun. Let me know if more questions. I took it apart for temporary storage in the closet but need to make room now. This is a project for someone with a little knowledge and handy with tools because will have to put it back together (see the pictures below).
Will also have to replace the copper tape in several spots or might as well replace the whole tape. The slots are perfectly routed, I used professional method for routing the slots.
Surface is latex paint, with excellent road surface. Look at pictures if interested and let me know if questions. This is a great opportunity for someone with a little hobby skills to rebuild a cool track. Also it needs to be picked up in New York City.